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WordPress is an incredibly popular platform for building websites, and for good reason. It’s user-friendly, flexible, and customizable. But building a WordPress website can still be a daunting task, especially for business owners who don’t have the technical skills to do it themselves. That’s why hiring an expert WordPress developer is so important. In Southern California, there are a lot of options to choose from, so how do you find the right one? In this post, we’ll cover some tips on how to find the best WordPress developer in Southern California.

1. Look for experience

You want to find a WordPress developer who has experience building websites similar to what you need. When you’re checking out developer portfolios, make sure to look at the types of sites they’ve built in the past. If you need an e-commerce site, look for a developer who has experience building e-commerce sites. If you need a blog, look for a developer who has experience building blogs. This will ensure that the developer has the expertise to build the kind of site you need.

2. Check references

Don’t hesitate to ask for references and speak to previous clients. A successful developer should be proud of their past work and happy to share references. Speaking to previous clients can give you an idea of the working style and expertise of the developer you are considering. Ask about communication, work quality, and timeliness to get a good sense of what you can expect.

3. Review their code

Not everyone has the technical skills to review a developer’s code, but if you do, take a look at their coding habits. Look for organized, well-structured code that is easy to read. Code that is poorly organized, has inconsistent formatting, or includes unnecessary elements can lead to issues down the road. It’s important to find a WordPress developer who knows how to write clean, maintainable code.

4. Assess their project management skills

A lot of moving parts go into building a website, so it’s important to find a WordPress developer who has excellent project management skills. A good developer should be able to create a timeline for the project and provide regular updates on the progress. They should also be able to communicate effectively with you and any other team members to ensure everyone is on the same page.

5. Trust your gut

Ultimately, the best way to find the right WordPress developer for your project is to trust your instincts. Do you feel comfortable communicating with them? Do you feel confident in their abilities? Do you believe they have your best interests in mind? These are all important questions to ask yourself when it comes to hiring a WordPress developer. If something feels off, keep looking until you find someone who feels like the right fit.


Finding the best WordPress developer in Southern California requires some research, but it’s worth the effort. By looking for experience, checking references, reviewing code, assessing project management skills, and trusting your gut, you can find a developer who has the skills and expertise to build the perfect website for your business. Just remember to take your time and don’t settle for anything less than the best or you could just hire us, we are the best! Happy hunting!

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